Thursday, April 16, 2009

I am at the lowest point

You knocked me down this time girl, and I dont think I'll be getting back up.
You hit me with a good punch. It's like you have something sharp in your fist, because my hearts bleeding girl.

To say you've done stupid stuff, would be giving you a compliment. To say you've been a fucking dumbass and you've fucked up big time..... would have to be right.

These past two years have been great, but they've been a lie. I was happy, I was fine. You felt unloved, you felt like you needed something.... or someone else.

My heart feels for you, I feel for you, but I hate your actions. You don't think, and I doubt you ever will. I really want to stay with you, through it all, day in and day out I want you, I don't want another girl. I may say I don't love you, but I really do. Even though you cheated girl, and It's very, very, very, very, very stupid of me to take you back... I have to. 

I've told you before, and I'll tell you again. One more time, and I'm gone. I'd still love you, but I won't be fooled again.

You fucked up
YOU fucked up

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hey Dirty

So much funny stuff on the internet :)

Blogging is great, you should try it.

I want to make you hurt

I want you to feel what I feel

This shit I dwell in, the past
it runs through my mind constant
like a fucking song on a loop

Insecurity eats me alive, and your attitude does not help me one bit

Loyalty, and Trust
We have faith in those two things, but actions speak louder than words
And your actions are speaking pretty fucking loud

I ache from this, and it hurts me
More than it will ever hurt you

Doubt you'll ever flinch at this idea


Live, Inspire, Fade

What inspires you?
To do anything?

Not many things come to mind when I ask myself that question.

Who am I?
Who are you?

If we fall, does the world want us to get back up? I don't think so. Family and Friends, that is all we have.

The world once was a beautiful place, and now the inhabitants have turned it around. People don't care about you, it is ones sense to take care of yourself, and watch your own back.
People who trust just get hurt the most, and it really does blow because that's not the way it is suppose to be is it?

I'll let you know right now, If I ever see one of my friends fall, I'll always be there to pick them up. My back will never face them in there time of need.

Friends, we all need em

Good friends are hard to find, but I found a handful.
Ones I can trust, keep, and enjoy my time with.

Recent events have showed me how easily a friendship could just disappear if one thing goes wrong. It sucks to know that, because if I put time into being a friend with someone, why should one measly thing break that bond?

My girlfriend is my best friend, I have put two years into getting to know her, and what she is all about, and she has done that in return. We fight, we argue, we snap, but we overcome things like that. One argument can not make us drift apart, and we never will.

Friends make the world go round, and I'm glad I have mine.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

First Day

Never blogged before, never thought I would
Spare time is such a killer is it not?

Not even spare time even, just this is better then the next thing.

I've been very indecisive lately, and it's killing me, there is only a couple of things right now holding me up.

Time to go, but there will definitely be more blogs to come
Need to get some things off my chest